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Football Transformation

Football has been transformed so great. People used to play football for clicking though-his body in order to be healthy. If only football was really only intended to nourish the body, then in fact anyone has the right to be part of the team 

Needless feels football should bring in a foreign coach to teach the Indonesian played the ball in order to be healthy. More over natural stranger to chase a score of victory, because there are still many people in Indonesia who need rescued by football. It does not matter win or lose, the important thing healthy body. 

However, people have already giving a tough task in football, healthy no longer the only goal. 

On the gridiron has been located dignity of the nation should be preserved, there is diversity in the stands to be united, under the feet of the eleven players  national pride, on the bench there are administrators and official positions should be maintained despite of the prison though. Naturalization is no longer a taboo act for the sake of a victory, because in football win is a prestige, let alone the opponent to be faced is the eternal enemies of the State. 

Instantly the field could be a miniature battlefield, eleven players become soldiers dying, a myriad of problems into the background as the outbreak of war on the gridiron 

Joy of the people on our football team wins first glance may seem excessive, but it's been such a frenzy atmosphere exceeds the current atmosphere of the democratic party. But instead of this we know, that it is a form of optimism excitement for the achievements of the people who will be achieved. So in fact it was the one champion optimism. Optimists that we are the one winner. But unfortunately, this new optimism we get just in Football, not elsewhere 

Hopefully the soccer-style optimism is not reversed, because there has been a politician that come into play on the gridiron with so many acres of land grants. If that's the only-ever we lose, then in what way we should be excited.


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