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Experience 2

Experience during the move as a television reporter was very nice, a lot of time outdoors. Some experience thrilling, exciting, depressing related to the coverage of the news that I publish.  Stressful experience is pierce to the forests and mountains to find a location of the village there are only a few houses, the location of her very much, and I do not believe that there is life in those places. 
The road is steep and I went through a haunted forest with some friends. For nearly 4 hours of a new township was able to get to. They live in an isolated, which makes me amazed, they could have a power source.  At the home page, I saw the man was making a big thing out of wood, it's a water turbine, wow ... I rarely find. Then where the source of the water they use?  Home there were only about 12 the number of its population does not reach 100 people. Two men drove me to a small water source, where there is a small turbine for car tires that he could supply power at 10 watts. Enough for the lights and a black and white television .... wow.  
Then as where the parabolic antenna for turbine I saw earlier ? they took me through the forest, it is very far away, down the hill and ended up at a waterfall, great I've experienced this a case of a heavy trip. There I saw some large turbines that already looks broken. And will be replaced with a new one. put it very risky, and can be dropped from a height ... very terrible and danger.  The residents can purchase a power cord that can reach nearly 1000 feet, according to the distance between the location of the turbine housing. After finished taking pictures with a camcorder. I will go home with a great experience.


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