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Noah's Ark In Science Perspective

Noah or Noah mediates destiny outlined statutes sky. A terrifying punishment handed down to curse the children and adults of both women and men are considered to have defected from the Lord of the Hereafter. With a giant ark, brought the chosen people and the inhabitants of the earth every living creature bobbing above the flood rolls targeting anything. After the disaster, the world is filled with them. 

The whole world has inherited the story of Noah, teach, and tell it from generation to generation. Adventure epic that recalls the story of the film was screened in the "Noah" by Darren Aronofsky and released some time ago. Indonesia is one country that prohibits broadcast in addition to many other Arab countries. 

For those who believe the story of Noah is a historical fact to forget a lot of things that the outline presented in this article. The content of religiosity and moral of the story of Noah depends on each individual. If we offend the good, basically everyone wants. However, the standard form of goodness and the subjective interpretation of each person of any religion or belief. Therefore, I will not lead to a good or bad story of Noah for the reader. 

As the title above "Noah's Ark In Science Perspective", I offer a depth of knowledge to open discourse. Religious study will only bring a narrow mindset because trapped by dogma and fanaticism teachings. Consequently, this article does not contain any passage of scripture in order to avoid deligitimasi to several books of the respective adherents of the opposite. If an error analysis of my exposure, please ask your argument in the realm of science. 

basic departure 

Reality can only be understood with the truth. And, truth objectively valid for everyone. Truth in science perspectives should not be different (subjective), and does not depend on the angle of view (relative). Other references in this analysis follows the standard rules of science without the need to be mentioned and described one by one. 

Analysis using benchmarks from three (3) areas of science, namely anthropology; biology; and physics. 

Biological perspective 

The story tells Noah that all animals taken into the ark. 

Logically, it is not possible whole number of animals in the world taken as not fit in an ark. If all types of animals transported, surely only a portion of each kind are there, tame and wild. Of course, most of these are married couples of its kind that can proliferate and eventually fill the earth. 


The animals were transported in need of food while in the ark. The types of foods are different for each type of animal. The number is not the same proportion. How did Noah carry and feed the penguins of Antarctica are only able to survive in cold weather? That's not counting the other animals. Lots of animals are only able to live in habitats and climate / weather specific. These animals reproduce and to mate with the natural cycle of the herd in the habitat. They can not survive in an ark that is only made of wood. 

What herbs are not taken along by Noah? Currently the earth filled with hundreds of thousands of species of plants that live in different habitats. Meanwhile, the flood disaster will destroy them all. No plants, no animals can live. The food chain goes out of balance and destroy ecosystems because the earth will only be met by the predators. Is reality so now? 

Based Census Results for the Five Kingdoms of eukaryotes (approximate), accounting for 8.7 million species of life on earth, namely: 

ANIMALS - 7.77 million species (of the which 953.434 have been Described and cataloged) 
PLANTS - 298 000 species (of the which 215.644 have been Described and cataloged) 

Fungi - 611 000 species (of the which 43,271 have been Described and cataloged) 

PROTOZOA - 36,400 species (single-cell organisms with animal-like behavior, such as movement, of the which 8,118 have been Described and cataloged) 

CHROMISTS - 27,500 species (including, brown algae, diatoms, water molds, of the which 13,033 have been Described and cataloged) (Source: 

So many species occur with the evolution that has taken place over millions of years and many have a genetic variation within each population of the same species. If there is a claim that Noah's ark was found on Mount Ararat region or in other regions, the news is a hoax. Map the distribution of animals and plants never showed from the region where it is believed to be the landing site of Noah's ark. 

Anthropological perspective 

Noah bring some people with him in the ark. 

One characteristic of culture is language. Are they speaking of the different clumps? 


If referring to SIL International's Ethnologue: Languages ​​of the World (12th Edition, 1992, ISBN 1-55671-216-2), we have 6,900 types of spoken language. Each major language alone has tens of millions of speakers (native speakers), especially in local languages ​​around the world. Tribes and traditions throughout the developing world in evolution of thousands of years ago. 

Other evidence, the Pyramids of Giza that are hundreds of years older than the story of Noah's Flood not leave traces intended to drown the ancient Egyptian bumi.Peradaban not tell havoc as in the story of Noah. Ancient relics and historical records of the ancient Egyptians ongoing for hundreds of years and are not lost due to the flood. 

Physics perspective 

The story of Noah is believed to occur only a few thousand years ago (2000s BC) 


In that year, the earth was formed as a state that includes the current geographical continents and oceans. Flood disaster, like a flood, requiring excessive amount of water volume. 

"Last ice age began about 20,000 years ago and ended about 10,000 years ago or at the beginning of the Holocene. The process of melting ice at this age ended about 6,000 years ago. When the ice age, the sea surface is much lower than it is now, because a lot of water is frozen in the polar regions. At that time the South China Sea to dry, so the western archipelago linked to mainland Southeast Asia. While the island of Papua, also joined the Australian continent. After the events of the melting ice, waves of human migration into the archipelago began to happen. "(Wikipedia) 
Due to the volume of water requires excess and no longer occurs melting ice from the polar regions, the volume of water which resulted in massive flooding came from the constant rain flushed the earth. 

What is the volume of water needed to submerge the earth? 


The total volume of water on earth is 1.4 billion km3 (Source: 

The formula Volume = 4/3 pi r3 ball 

r is the radius 

Earth radius (rb) = approximately 6378 km 

Mount Ararat High = approximately 5 miles, then ra = (6378 + 5) km = 6383km 

Total volume of water needed to submerge the earth to the heights of Mount Ararat is the difference of the volume of layers that cover Mount Ararat reduced volume of the earth. 


The volume of the earth = 4/3 pi x 6378 x 3 = 1,086,230,340,743 km3 rank 

Layer that covers the volume = 4/3 Mount Ararat x pi x 6383 rank 3 = 1,088,786,977,874 km3 

Difference in volume = 2,556,637,131 km3 

The volume of water needed is 2,556,637,131 km3 or more than the total volume of water on Earth !! 

Thus, the flood may not occur as in the story of Noah's ark is believed to have been found on Mount Ararat.


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