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Traces Elephant forces which led by Christian king to destroy the Kaaba will be revealed.

Traces of elephant army of Abraha who want to destroy the Kaaba probably soon will be revealed.. This opportunity arose when a group of young researchers Saudi Arabia trying to trace the path traces of the elephant troop.

In one verse of the Quran narrated presence bergajah forces led by Governor of Yemen, Abraha. Thanks to the protection of God, the Ka'aba could have survived the attack after the appearance of the birds were dropping rocks on his feet.

Narrated Abraha's army was carrying 13 elephants to destroy the Kaaba.

"I never fell a stone that struck the troops except dissolved flesh and shattered ... Abraha Al-Ashram fled while badanya burned and broke into pieces and died on his way back to Yemen," said the reviewer Quraan 14th century BC Ibn Kathir.

During this exhausting penelurusan, Saudi young researchers across the mountains and desert. They also capture the photographs of historic locations. Starting from the north to east Asir Najran, and Baha western part of the city.

Some of the important sites in this search is the elephant in the rock inscriptions Al Qahr mountainous area, southeast Tathlith. Another valuable findings are old wells in eastern Hafaer before Asir, and paved roads near Kara in Aqeeq Baha region.

Head of the Geology Department of the University of King Saud, Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Al-Amry mengkau have seen a pattern in the army of Abraha and Tahlith and Baha.

"Abraha troops have passed through Arabian shield consisting of rocks, and there is writing in Humairiya discussed in some of the mountain," he said as quoted from page  Arabnews, Thursday, October 9, 2014.

According to Islamic history sources mentioned, Abraha the Christian churches reported to have built the Kaaba similar in Sanaa. Abraha wanted to make a place jiarah Sanaa Arab population, instead of the Kaaba. The hope, Yemen could benefit from trading activities. Even this plan was delivered to the King of Ethiopia and the proposal was approved


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