I want to see and get into Dimaukom mosque in the town of Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao, Philippines. This mosque has the look and color of the unique mosque Pink bright. The pink color is a symbol of peace and love.
Land and the cost of construction of the mosque was funded by the local mayor named Yag Samsudin Dimaukom and his family. The color pink is a favorite color Dimaukom mayor and wife because the color symbolizes love and peace.
Process of pink mosque was carried out by workers who are Christians as a symbol of unity and brotherhood between religions. The mosque is also built to change the image of their province known as hardness.
For those of you who live there, how the current state of this mosque? What many who come to the mosque? not only as a place of worship, but it is very attractive for the tourists who visit there.
the municipality is largely populated by muslims. the mosques is easy to find coz its near the national road. have u visited already?