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10 Impact and Hazards of Poverty

Poverty in the world will be very take effect bad for the environment where we live, below are 10 poverty impact of hazards when on leave can make life uncomfortable living so peaceful and serene. 

1.  The impact of the first is the danger of poverty, reduced sense of nationalism against a State, in because more thinking needs to survive any trouble let alone a love of country. 

2.  The impact of the second danger of poverty, a lot of the crime is not where where, in because there are many people who think short in meeting the needs of life and is too pressed with the needs of the Arm without faith in religion so that all means were done to make ends meet . 

3.  The impact of poverty is a third danger is that self-esteem of a country that falls in the eyes of the world and is considered to be underestimated and human resources do not have the potential to move forward and just rely on the help and assistance. 

4.  The impact of poverty is the fourth danger is, the less terurusnya youth by parents and granted regardless of the education and supervision of foster parents so that young people who did not heed the oriental culture. 

5.  Impact fifth danger is poverty, loss of a sense of mutual royongan and help each other in because of the already mushrooming culture guwe loe loe yes yes guwe giving rise to a lack of a sense of unity in a country. 

6 . The impact of poverty dangers to five is, his many illnesses arise where where either sex or disease of an infectious disease that is caused due to a slum or in the consumption of foods that are not healthy. 

7.  The impact of poverty is the seventh danger is, the more drastic reduction in studying religion or belief in God in because the more the thought of eating that is the main requirement. 

8 . The impact of poverty eighth danger is, where the occurrence of many infidelity where both infidelity in business, domestic affairs and infidelity in love homeland. 

9 . Impact danger to Nine is poverty, the decline of the nation's economy which will result in the destruction of a nation, as a result want to separate themselves from the unity of the homeland. 

10.  Impact danger to ten poverty is, the birth of a group of people who are so clever, powerful and creative melahirlan a new and sophisticated due to the economy and the oppressed mass revolution and dimpled split a country into smaller Countries. 

Therefore, let's together to prevent the impact of the hazards of poverty, strengthen homeland love, learn and innovate, more hard-working and creative, mutual help and sharing in order to create a modern society with a rich and happy together, the beautiful country and in admire, free schools and hospitals, has many spacecraft for plesiran and not the rich get richer and the poorer.


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