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Imitation Lovers

I have a friend who is very happy with the products imported artificial fashion. Often he commented on me and other friends who had not fashionable appearance. That's Because We put a bag, shoes, clothes and other fashion products are authentic Indonesian brand. Not like she is proud to wear fashion imitation products imported price is far below the original product. 

Often she mock Super story if his bag, artificial Premium and so forth. Then I asked why love the imported counterfeit products? He says if the models is good, fashionable and luxurious. Expensive Because worn look Similar to the original. In fact he used to buy the latest bag from world-renowned designers Similar WHO used the Hollywood actress of course the imitation imported from Hong Kong or Korea. 

After I observed it is true what my friend said it. Knockoff Handbags - Knockoff minimum 1 import, the models and the material is good. Used to look luxurious. This is a fashionable Desired. Elegant appearance, fancy and not outdated. No wonder they are reluctant glance Indonesaia products. Original famous brand made in Indonesia ingredients and good quality not inferior to imported ones but the models is far less. 

Compared with handbags, shoes, clothing and accessories imported from Korea are not only still inferior imitation. Instead of bad-mouthing my Indonesian products, but this is the reality in the market. Who Indonesian people like the product is imported, all Considered to be good all-round import. There are Several Reasons Why someone would prefer fashion imitation: Model Sometimes a person does not know the name brand, but he tends to choose fashion imitation Because the models is good. He does not care what imitation it is not as well known brand or not. For individuals Prestige who know the brand, branded fashion wear imported must raise its prestige. 

He did not hesitate to buy fashion at millions too. For example, if the original TENS of millions / Hundreds of millions of dollars, that imitation can be obtained only by $ 200, - alone. Similar heck, if you do not know for sure fooled. Need Other individuals choose products Because It requires imitation. These people usually know very well the type of branded goods and the goods would not imitation. 

He prefers to use original goods than imitation, of course the price is  with the pockets. But for some reason, he requires the goods imitation as usual brands she wears nothing as names. Want to buy the original, the price is not affordable. Finally forced to buy counterfeit goods According to Reviews their needs. Indonesia actually has immense beauty in fashion products. Unfortunately quiet enthusiasts in their own country. Perhaps less Socialization, innovation and promotion. Once again the models is far behind the products imports.


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